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You do not have to pursue a degree related to music, dance or theater to be part of AACC’s performing groups.

In fact, we encourage you to branch out, explore your talents, meet new people and become part of our active and dynamic performing groups. Not only will you work with amazingly talented faculty and guest directors, but you’ll have a great time doing it!

Chamber Singers

Music notation on a chalk board.

Audition is required for this ensemble and students are accepted based on vocal skill and sight-singing ability (reading music well enough to sing an unfamiliar piece). The "Chamber Singers" class (MUS 281) is worth 1 credit and can be repeated for credit four times. There is no corresponding noncredit class but the credit class can be taken as an audit. The class meets from noon to 2:45 p.m. Fridays. The Chamber Singers usually perform in a dual concert with the Concert Choir at the end of the term. Other opportunities to perform may come up during the year. 

Students can register for the class and will be contacted by the instructor, Doug Byerly, to set up an audition time and date. Students not accepted in the Chamber Singers may consider Concert Choir or Applied Voice (or both) to improve individual skills. Questions can be sent to Doug Byerly at or 410-777-7019. 

Concert Band

Audition for a Group - Band

An audition is not required for Concert Band. The Concert Band performs at the end of each term and occasionally may play at other times of the year.

The related course, “Concert Band” (MUS 184), is worth 1 credit and can be repeated four times, for a total of 4 credits. It also is available as a noncredit class (“Community Concert Band” MUC 311). The class meets from 7 to 9:45 p.m. Mondays. Concert Band questions can be sent to Paul Dembowksi at

Concert Choir

AACC student auditions for choir.

No audition is necessary.  Students can sign up for a 1-credit class (MUS 182) or a noncredit class (MUC 312). Class usually is scheduled from 7 to 9:45 p.m. Tuesdays in Cade 224. "Concert Choir" class can be repeated up to four times for a total of 4 credits. Students are required to participate in an end-of-term concert. Other performance opportunities present themselves throughout the year. For questions, contact Doug Byerly at


AACC students dance in a studio classroom.

Members of the Dance Company are selected through performance-based auditions. Troupe members are given the opportunity to choreograph their own work, as well as dance the work of guest choreographers and the director.

Auditions are scheduled during the second week of classes in the fall and spring terms. There is no need to prepare a solo for the audition; just come prepared to dance. Company members do not have to be registered students, although registered students get priority. 

The company participates in service-learning projects throughout the year, including miniperformances, lecture/demonstrations and "guest spots" in and around the county at various elementary, middle, high school and college venues. There are public performances at the end of the fall and spring terms, generally the first weekend in December and the first weekend in May. Dates are subject to change.

If you have questions, contact Margaret Russell, dance coordinator at


Jazz: Small Combo & Big Band

AACC student practices piano.

Audition is required for the Jazz Ensembles. The Jazz Ensembles hold concerts at the end of each term and occasionally may play at other times of the year.

If you are a new student, it is recommended that you register for the Wednesday section and an instructor will contact you to set up an audition (returning jazz band students generally do not need to audition again). The related course, “Jazz Band” (MUS 181), is worth 1 credit and can be repeated four times for a total of 4 credits. It also is available as a noncredit class, “Community Jazz Ensemble” (MUC 309).

One notable difference between Jazz Band and the other ensembles is that Jazz Band students are broken into two groups – the Small Jazz Combo conducted by Ian Wardenski and the Jazz Big Band conducted by Mercedes Beckman. The Small Jazz Combo meets from 7 to 9:45 p.m. Tuesdays; the Jazz Big Band meets from 7 to 9:45 p.m. Wednesdays. Questions can be sent to Ian Wardenski at or 410-777-7069.


AACC students in costume sing opera.

Operas are cast by audition, usually several months prior to the scheduled run. Auditions are by appointment and take place at AACC in Arnold. Audition times and dates can be arranged through Doug Byerly at or 410-777-7019. Opera auditions are open to the public.

The “Opera Workshop” (MUS 280) class is offered each term but there is not always an opera that coincides with the course. Being in the class doesn’t necessary mean you will be cast in an opera, but many of the workshop students do appear in the performances. 

Symphony Orchestra

AACC student plays trombone.

Audition is required for Symphony Orchestra. The Symphony Orchestra holds a concert at the end of each term and occasionally may play at other times of the year (the orchestra recently performed at The Kennedy Center!)

If you are new to the Symphony Orchestra, it is recommended that you register for the related class and an instructor will contact you to set up an audition (returning orchestra students generally do not need to audition again). The related course, “Symphony Orchestra” (MUS 180), is worth 1 credit and can be repeated four times for a total of 4 credits. It also is available as a noncredit class, “Community Orchestra” (MUC 310). The class meets from 7 to 9:45 p.m. Thursdays. Symphony Orchestra questions can be sent to Anna Binneweg at or 410-777-7218.


AACC students audition for theater.

The Theater Department (AACC Theatre) produces at least one show each term, alternating between plays and musicals each season. Auditions are usually held the first two weeks of each term and are open to the public. However, if actors of equal skill are being considered for a role, AACC students will be cast over community members. AACC Theatre also offers acting, production and other learning opportunities with our Staged Reading Series, Guest Artist Series and Black Box Series (short plays written, directed, designed and acted by students).

The "Play Production" (THA-180) class is integral to the fall and spring performances. Students in this class use class lab hours to work on the show. While students enrolled in "Play Production" become part of the AACC Theatre student drama and improv clubs, all AACC students are welcome to join the clubs. 

Students interested in design are highly encouraged to interview with theater department faculty to receive approval to enroll in "Applied Theater" (THA-135) where a faculty specialist will mentor them on the term's production.

For questions regarding theatre productions, auditions and theatre classes, or to find out about other theatre happenings and events, contact Sean Urbantke at or 410-777-7125.